360° Innovation
I work with CxOs and founding teams of software, climate-clean-green-tech, fintech, ag/foodtech, proptech and media companies as well as values-aligned family offices, corporate investment and M&A teams, and progressive venture and sovereign wealth funds as a fractional CxO, board member or executive advisor as a go-to subject matter expert seeing the business as a holographic system from a 360-degree, regenerative, circular economy and futures visioneer perspective to help crystallize thinking, hone go-to-market strategy, and find the quickest path to revenue, profit, and exit, all in context of ESG, the UN SDGs and COP26.
Some Microsoft Products
I Helped Launch
Our Great Inflection Point
We live in monumental times, a period of
great volatility and epic change, with many
seeming contradictory business and
humanitarian goals and needs.
As the world makes an unsteady transition
from fossil fuels and centralization to the
digitized, decentralized, and climate-centric renewables age,
how are you managing the shift?
Are you seeing “reality” the way it “truly” is?
Are you and your business and portfolio
prepared to weather the transformation?
Are you ready to embrace the new and thrive
are you contracting?
Our Wave Is Upon Us
Web 3.0, decentralization, IoT, and smart everything
has upended all facets of our personal and business lives.
So have renewables, EVs, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing,
Ai and Aei, massive big data, telemedicine, robotics, drones, AR/VR, gamification, the metaverse, social media, influencers, fintech, relatively cheap and ubiquitous global broadband, and
smartphone adoption.
Virtually the entire world has access to the same information,
human capital, and financial resources from which to
create, innovate, and build new systems
to usher in tomorrow, today.
Are you ready for what comes next?
Do you have the insight and market intel to make the right decisions -
the wise longtail decisions?
Are you ready to adopt a new mindset along with
new technologies and new business models to
successfully accelerate?
Fortune Favors The Bold
In the Chinese language, the word "crisis"
is composed of two characters,
one representing danger,
the other, opportunity.
Which do you see?
Which do you experience?
How deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go?
Does it give you a thrill or scare you?
What is your propensity for risk?
How deep are your pockets?
What are your primal fears and concerns?
How far Into the future can you see?
How much courage do you have to
act on your instincts?
Who Are Your Heroes?
Plato posited there are only seven human stories.
Overcoming the Monster
Rags to Riches
The Quest
Voyage and Return
Which ones are you acting out in your life,
your business, your portfolio companies?
Who are your heroes and why?
Where are you in your own heroes’ journey?
Are you going for the quest?
Your Reality Distortion Field
We all know Steve and his famous
– or infamous –
reality distortion field.
And we all know about quantum mechanics.
The question is,
are you trudging through
your personal and business life
from a Newtonian point of view or
are you soaring through from a quantum
flow-state experience?
Are you ready to think different?
Are you ready to be different?
Are you ready to act different?
What Is Your Legacy?
A stable future is no longer an assumptive
or foregone conclusion.
We all must consider all the key vectors that affect all of global humanity
– economic, geopolitical, climatic, demographic, social, and more –
as you plan for your, your family’s, and your company’s future.
Are you ready to see your world anew
and reframe your worldview,
your life, your business?
Are you driven by abundance or scarcity,
optimism or pessimism?
Are you on the precipice of the chasm
at the greatest hockey stick moment
in human history?
Why Work With Me?
40+ Years Translating #Technology &
#Business to #Human for #EffectiveROI
Visioneer. Develop, anchor, ground and activate your vision.
Synergist. Holographically see the really BIG picture and integrate your vision, values, growth, and money.
Strategist. Assess your vision, your product, the market, influencing vectors, and chart the clearest path forward.
Master Builder. Bridge big picture vision with clear and effective strategy and little picture tactical on-the-ground implementation.
Tactician. Build vision, business, operational, ESG, and go-to-market plans and pro formas.
Full Stack Marketer. Attraction marketing to drive customer acquisition with effective strategy and tactics for brand positioning and messaging, funnels, digital direct response, social media, and content marketing.
Master StoryTeller-Story Seller and Communicator. Exquisitely and effectively communicate your vision in words, PPTs, video, and multimedia.
Executive Sales / Growth Hacker. CxO and investor business value consultative selling.
Systems Troubleshooter. Your business is multiple integrated systems, all of which can be optimized.
ESG Implementer. Think globally and act locally through company culture and triple bottom line accountability.
Entrepreneur’s Guide. Identify the obstacles, avoid the pitfalls, and recognize the personality archetypes in others that can take you down or lift you up so that you can optimize your breakthrough points or mitigate risk.
Investment Specialist. Specifically for family offices, sovereign wealth funds, and corporate investment and/or M&A teams needing to analyze potential startup investments or M&A candidates.
Business Value Marketer. Specifically for technology companies that need to define the financial value of their products to their customers before they purchase and deploy.
Team Builder and Leader. Natural roll-up-your-sleeves in-the-trenches leader.
Some Companies I Have Worked With Through Microsoft
How We Work Together
Remote or Onsite, Multiple Day Engagements,
Special Workshops, Retainer, Fractional CxO, BoD or BoA
All engagements have a clearly defined SOW with a fixed price.
My work with you is not done until you are satisfied that your
goals and objectives have been achieved.
Multi-Day Engagements. Hands-on work to solve specific challenges.
Workshops. 2-day Workshops on Visioneering, Strategy and Execution, Brand, ESG, Entrepreneur’s Journey.
Monthly Retainer. 5-20+ hours per month as needed; could include executive leadership, coaching, advisory, or consulting.
Done for You. Business / Operational / GTM / ESG plans, Pro Formas, Marketing Communications.
Fractional CxO. Fractional or interim executive operational roles, Vision, Strategy, Innovation, Revenue, Growth, Marketing, Business Development, Sustainability, and Communications.
Board. Board of Directors or Board of Advisors.
Clients | Co-Founder | BoD | BoA | Pro Bono
Your Quantum Leap
Are you ready to make business-critical decisions
in context of global humanity and a closed system
planet rotating in the sun’s solar system or will
you do business as usual selling whatever is
your version of sugar water when you have
the chance to make a real difference?
Your North Star
It all begins with an idea, a seed that can germinate with resources, time, and dedicated resolve.
Maybe you want to launch a new business or rapidly scale your existing business.
Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.
Whether you are an enterprise experiencing disruption at your market edge,
a mid-growth company needing to innovate to stay relevant,
or a startup poised to change your industry,
align with your values,
think for the future,
strategize your markets,
and execute on your vision.
You make all the difference.